Saturday 5 October 2013

The Acts of the Holy Spirit

This semester at my young adults we’ve been going through the book of Acts. Amazing stuff. This week we went through the first half of chapter 8. Check it out!

The apostles were passionately and faithfully going about what Jesus told them to do in Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”

The church was growing, but it was also suffering. The question was asked as to why would God allow such strong persecution of godly people like Stephen… We live in a fallen world.

Anyways, here’s a clue:

Philippians 1:12 -18 – “And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News. For everyone here, including the whole palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ. And because of my imprisonment, most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak God’s message without fear.
It’s true that some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry. But others preach about Christ with pure motives. They preach because they love me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the Good News. Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition, not sincerely, intending to make my chains more painful to me. But that doesn’t matter. Whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice”

Moving on… V 14 – 17, the apostles arrive in Samaria. It says they had heard of the amazing work of the gospel in that place and maybe because of the connection to the Jews, albeit hostile-ish, went themselves. Remember the Good Samaritan story that Jesus told? Well, the Good Samaritan would have been considered an unlikely “hero” according to the Jews. See, the Samaritans were half-Jew so you could say that the Jews were a tad prejudice towards them. This still didn’t stop Philip sharing the gospel there, with the Samaritans, with great power and effect (by the power of the Holy Spirit).

Look at the different elements to Philip’s ministry in Samaria (v 5 – 13) Pretty incredible ministry! Note he was one who had served alongside Stephen in the waiting on tables in ch 6.

One of the last questions for the night was: How would you “preach the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ”? Whenever I come across this question I automatically have a Colin Buchanan song in my head, pretty sure it’s called “This is the Gospel”

Remember Jesus Christ
Raised up from the dead
In the line of David
Spotless Lamb of God
Slaughtered for our sins
Risen king of kings
This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ
This is the Gospel, the risen Jesus
Taking sinners from death to life,
It’s the good news of our salvation
So remember Jesus Christ
Remember we were lost,
We were dead in sin,
But by the power of Jesus,
Made alive again
And though we may be changed
The word of God remains,
The mighty Gospel, of Jesus Christ

These verses also come to mind: John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him”

Here's a spoken word video that goes through the gospel as an acronym:

This statement ended the notes for small group: One thing is sure – there is no formula or set of rules to follow when it comes to the work of the Holy Spirit.
Acts is so encouraging and challenging, I'd recommend reading it!
Much love,
Talitha Lydia

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Embarking on this Blog Journey O'Mine

Welcome and hope you enjoy my blog/ random ponderings…

Well, this is something different for me; I think it shall be a good-different though :)

My aim in writing this blog is to reflect, inspire, challenge and encourage myself and hopefully others. At this very point in time I can only reveal that I will be writing from and about life experiences, books I’ve read and movies I’ve watched and also stuff God’s been showing me. I’ll definitely be sharing any quality youtube videos (a great distraction of mine – youtube), music, perhaps a “pin” of the week (pinterest – another time stealer!), a recipe or two, op shop finds, sketches I’ve drawn and some photography.

That’s all I can foresee I’ll be writing about, but you never know what’ll “pop” into my head, haha.

As you may already know, the title of the blog, which is also what I desire for my life, is taken from Psalm 19:14. I want this blog (words of my mouth & thoughts of my heart) to reflect this (what is pleasing in God’s sight).

Talitha Lydia

('Tis post is kinda short, but that’s how most of my posts will probably have to be as I am quite busy during the semester. Hopefully I’ll be able to ramble on more in the holidays :P)